internal package
Foswiki::Search::InfoCache is a
Foswiki::ListIterator Support package; cache of topic info. When information about search hits is compiled for output, this cache is used to avoid recovering the same info about the same topic more than once.
new($session, $defaultWeb, \@topicList) $defaultWeb is used to qualify topics that do not have a web specifier - should expect it to be the same as BASEWEB in most cases.
Because this Iterator can be created and filled dynamically, once the Iterator hasNext() and next() methods are called, it is immutable.
sortResults($params) the implementation of %SORT{"" limit="" order="" reverse="" date=""}%
it should be possible for the search engine to pre-sort, making this a nop, or to delay evaluated, partially evaluated, or even delegated to the DB/SQL
can call repeatedly, the list will only be re-sorted if new elements are added.
This function adds a filter evaluator to the infocache that is evaluated as you iterate through the collection
$infoCache->filterByDate( $date );
getOptionFilter(\%options) → $code includeTopics
- a comma-separated wildcard list of topic names
- do
- boolean