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Parent package: Foswiki::Iterator
Child packages:

    internal package Foswiki::Iterator::DBIterator is a Foswiki::Iterator

    ClassMethod new($dbh, $select, $values, $process)

    Constructs a Foswiki::DBI::DBIterator object. Parameters are:

    • $dbh: the database being used to connect to the actual database (mandatory)
    • $select: SQL select clause that is being prepared using the $dbh (mandatory)
    • $values: array reference of values being used when executing the statement; this must match the "?" placeholders in the select clause (optional)
    • $process: function reference that is called when iterator fetched the next value from the database, see next() below (optional)

    A DBIterator may be used in its own but is mostly created as part of Foswiki::DBI::Database::eachRow().

    Example use:

    my $it = Foswiki::Iterator::DBIterator($dbh, "select * from ... where ...");
    while ($it->hasNext) {
      my $row = $it->next();
      my $firstName = $row->{firstName};
      my $middleName = $row->{middleName};
      my $lastName = $row->{lastName};

    ObjectMethod hasNext() → $boolean

    returns true if the iterator still has values to be returened by next().

    ObjectMethod next() → $row

    returns the next row available in the result set of the select statement. The $row return value is a hash reference as being created by DBI::fetchrow_hashref

    ObjectMethod count() → $integer

    returns the number of rows affected by this iterator

    ObjectMethod reset()

    resets the iterator to restart the search to the beginning. note that the select statement (provided to the constructor) will be prepared and executed once again

    Topic revision: r1 - 06 Aug 2023, UnknownUser
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